

“The year my twin and I turned eight, we vowed to kill our neighbor’s cat. Buster was an enormous marmalade and, a couple times a week, he left the heads of decapitated songbirds in our front yard. He belonged to the girl across the street, Liza Parker. Liza was in our grade but not our class. She wore button-up dresses every day and had her mother drive her to school each morning because she thought the bus was too dirty. When we saw her outside, she’d turn around and go inside; or if Buster was there, she’d bend over and pet him and whisper “Dirty orphans” in a singsong voice we could hear from our side of the street.”

from “Buster,” Winner of the 2014 Meridian Editor’s Prize and cited in Best American Short Stories 2015.


“Each June, sisters slink up from the swamp. Spanish moss clings to their arms. Uprooted blueberry bushes drag in their wake, zigzagging black sand. The butch ones drape water moccasins around their necks like bowties, but most wear nothing. Mud clumps on their hair and skin. They lurch forward, bone thin and hungry, picking the pine needles from their teeth and ears. This year I am twelve, and I’ve brought my lasso. I’m determined to be an only child no longer.”

 from “Where Sisters Come From,” Gigantic.


“Lake Sherando was a tea-colored pond with a wooden structure, like a hangman’s platform, rising from its center. On the stairs in its center, children pinched each other and butt in line. At the top of the tower, they jumped, flailing their arms and shrieking before splashing into the tannic murk. Tiny waves lapped at the caramel sand and a bloated brown tampon floated near the shore.”

from “If The Forest Floods.” Terrain.Org. 

Additional stories  in Ninth Letter, Yemassee, Carolina Quarterly, Nano, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet  and elsewhere.



So Our Ghosts Can Find Us, a 2015 letterpress chapbook of my poetry printed and sewn by the artist Sara White, is available for purchase here.

The Ecology of Falling Whales in Ecotone.

Proposal in Pank.

Tacos with Irene in Pouch.

No Better Than Any Other  in Sundog Lit.

Opinion Page  in The Nashville Review.

Descent  in The Volta.

Archive of American Futures in Everyday Genius. 

One Man Ponzi  in Pank. 

Crush in Country Dog Review.

On Waving at the Chevron in Juked. 

Irene’s Song; Age 86  in 751 Magazine. 

Taped to the Fridge  in Word Riot. 

Apt. for Rent: Poughkeepsie, NY in Story South.

Navigation and Widow Ghost  in Umbrella: A Journal of Poetry and Kindred Prose. 

Additional poems have appeared in journals including Pinch, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Weave, Catamaran Literary Reader and Miracle Monocle.


Interview with Jay Ponteri about his memoir Wedlocked. Bookslut. Issue 132. May 2013.

How We Care for Our Dead: On Susan Straight’s Between Heaven and Here.” Los Angeles Review of Books. Nov. 2012.  

 “The Rats Are Not Doing Well: On A Night of Pure Breathing by Gerald Fleming.” The Rumpus. Nov. 2011.

“Poor Little Poughkeepsie: On Le Spleen De Poughkeepsie by Joshua Harmon.” The Rumpus. April 2011.

“On Great House by Nicole Krauss.” Bookslut. Sept. 2010. Web.

“On Conditions Uncertain and Likely to Pass Away by Frank Stanford.” The Collagist. July 2010. Web.

On The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry: Contemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice” edited by Gary L. McDowell and F. Daniel Rzicznek.” Bookslut. July 2010.

“On Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty by Tony Hoagland.” Bookslut. Feb. 2010.


“What drew me to Lange was her desire to make lives of the unseen seen”: An Interview with Jasmin Darznik. Ploughshares. 2022

“The Party Upstairs and the Super who has to Clean it.” Electric Lit. December 10, 2020.

“Stations of the Crisis: An Interview with Anne Gisleson.” New Orleans Review. 2018.

“How to Make a Unicorn and Other Lost Facts of Animalkind: An Interview with Elena Passarello.”  Lithub. March 7, 2017.

“The Unpredictable Zone of Airport: An Interview with Christopher Schaberg.” Terrain.Org. March 9, 2016.

“Not a Rhythm, but a Cadence: An Interview with David Ebenbach.” New Orleans Review. November 11, 2015.

“Humor and Hope: An Interview with MB Caschetta.” Mediander. April 3, 2015.

“Broken Land: An Interview with William Boyle about Gravesend.” Los Angeles Review of Books. February 12, 2014.

Interview with Jay Ponteri about his memoir Wedlocked. Bookslut. Issue 132. May 2013.